all postcodes in CO10 / SUDBURY

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Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO10 7AB 6 1 52.057041 0.7051
CO10 7AD 7 0 52.055322 0.705171
CO10 7AE 14 0 52.054931 0.692018
CO10 7AF 8 0 52.052998 0.682902
CO10 7AG 1 0 52.053324 0.680821
CO10 7AH 5 0 52.050555 0.681967
CO10 7AJ 5 0 52.050065 0.677839
CO10 7AL 1 0 52.04548 0.685645
CO10 7AN 1 0 52.047852 0.692832
CO10 7AP 7 0 52.039969 0.649849
CO10 7AQ 4 0 52.054131 0.679746
CO10 7AR 17 0 52.033508 0.649627
CO10 7AS 9 0 52.033464 0.651987
CO10 7AT 9 0 52.035211 0.661437
CO10 7AU 6 0 52.033127 0.650173
CO10 7AW 1 0 52.044143 0.66137
CO10 7AX 22 0 52.031893 0.650683
CO10 7AY 7 0 52.026879 0.646115
CO10 7AZ 6 0 52.027517 0.635306
CO10 7BA 3 0 52.032878 0.628011